6 Questions with Hannah Robinson

Thursday 14 September 2023

Last week I sat down with Hannah Robinson to discuss her plans, her new single Rosie, and her favourite upcoming musicians.  
1. Hi! Tell us a bit about who you are. 
I'm Hannah - a dreamgaze artist from Newcastle. I've been playing guitar since I was about 8 years old then turned to songwriting when I was 12, but kept it to myself for ages because I was too shy to sing in front of anyone! Then just before lockdown in 2020 I decided to release my debut single 'Fool For Him' worrying it would flop, but turned out to be a great success, and knew from then it would be silly for me to not explore songwriting, so here I am now haha!

2. What is the inspiration behind your new single?
I've always been obsessed with music - when I was little I'd always be singing in the car, and I loved exploring new bands and listening to the music my parents showed me from a young age, but then one day I was gifted a guitar from a family friend and ended up getting lessons to realise it was a hobby I was really passionate about. Growing up in my teens I was in bands and playing guitar for people, so it's kind of something that's become a huge part of me over time.

3. Tell us what made you want to get into music?
My main priority is to keep writing new tunes, we have an EP coming out next year which we've been building on the past year including my latest single 'Rosie' - so I'll spend the majority of my nights hidden away in my room on my laptop working on demos! We also have some gigs lined up including Yumi & The Weather at Bobiks and a final 2023 headline show which we're about to announce which is exciting.

4. What are your plans for the rest of the year?
The release of 'Nineteen' was certainly up there, I feel like without this song I wouldn't have been given half the opportunities I've had. I saw it as my "come-back" single as I hadn't released music in almost a year and I had only just started gigging in the North East scene. It's quite an emotional song that really pulls on the heartstrings of my 19-year-old self who was very lost at the time, so to see it relate to so many people was lush. It took me and my producer (Adam Forster @ Old Church Studio) a total of 9 months to prepare including bringing in a conductor and string instrumentalists to really capture the realness and rawness of it. At the beginning of 2023, it was curated by Spotify in their 'Fresh Finds UK & Ireland' playlist which was a huge step in my journey as an unsigned artist!

5. Who are your inspirations music wise?
My inspirations have differed over the years, starting with the likes of KT Tunstall and Ladyhawke - who I loved growing up due to their strong female involvement within the 00s indie scene. I then grew to love a band called Best Coast in my teens due to their heavy use of reverb which is prominent in a lot of my recordings. Now I'd say my biggest inspos are Beach House, Mazzy Star & Warpaint - all female-lead and dreamy!! There are sooo many amazing artists out there I'd credit but anything along the shoegaze/dreamy rock route always captures my attention.

6. Last question, which upcoming musician do you want others to listen to?
My favourite upcoming artists in the North East have got to be The Avelons... I've got to know them the past year, going to every gig and hearing new music they've been busy writing and their progression has been amazing. They put blood, sweat and tears into their gigs, leaving their audiences excited and curious to what they've just witnessed. I'd definitely recommend going along to see them and checking out their music! 

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About Me

I'm Chloe and I'm the editor of Odd Girl Out. Odd Girl Out focuses on independent artists and creating a space for music to be heard. We want to be able to be the voice for upcoming artists and to share artists you have never heard of!
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