5 Questions with Jenny Dean

Thursday 28 September 2023

photo credit: @theclunynewcastle

Last week I sat down with Jenny Dean to talk with her about her plans for the rest of the year for her music career and this is what she said.

1. Hi Jenny! Thanks for the interview! Tell us a bit about yourself.                                                             Hi! My name is Jenny Dean and I’m a singer-songwriter from Newcastle. I’ve been playing gigs around the north east since I moved back to the country at the start of this year. Before that, I was living and gigging in Melbourne, Australia where I released my debut single ‘Marlon Brando’ in 2021. I mostly play in the genres of indie-pop and britpop and write a lot about the experiences of being a 20 something year old growing up and finding herself. 

  1. What made you want to get into music?

I don’t think I ever had a moment of realisation where I thought to myself ‘I want to be a musician, or a singer, or whatnot’, I just always knew from being really young that it was something I loved to do, and wanted to continue doing as long as I had the passion, and that passion has grown with me my whole life. It’s always been such a catharsis for me to be able to make art out of situations and feelings and it’s really helped me stay grounded. I’ve never been very good at verbalising things when I’m talking to people and tend to trip over my words a lot, but as soon as I start writing, the words are able to come out so naturally and it’s such a relieving feeling to be able to get it onto paper and out of my head.

  1. What are your plans for the rest of the year?

I’ve been working really hard this year on my music and I’m really trying to push myself as a serious artist by writing every day, getting as many gigs as I can, and getting my name out there. I’ve just opened for Jack Mylchreest’s EP launch at the Cluny which has always been a dream venue of mine so I was so honoured to be asked to do that. I’m also working on my own EP of originals to release in the next few months (hopefully). I’ve already got a couple recorded and ready to go, it’s just about getting the rest done and all the finishing touches now.

 4. Who are your inspirations music wise?

I’ve got so many inspirations, but I realised recently that 99% of them are British, which makes sense considering. Icons like Amy Winehouse and Lily Allen have always been at the forefront for me, and I love the classic britpop bands like Arctic Monkeys, The Libertines, The Fratellis, and so on; basically everyone who’s CD’s my mam used to play in the car when I was a kid, so I’ve got her to thank for all this. They’re so nostalgic to me, and I’m sure to a lot of other people as well. That’s the kind of music I want to make, and I’m praying for a resurgence of that era of UK music.

5.And, tell us...who is your favourite upcoming artist you hope others check out.

I mentioned him earlier, Jack Mylchreest. He’s one to look out for. He brings such a fresh perspective with his music that I just love. I’m also a big fan of Parkview, they’re a local band that’s definitely going to go far. And an honourable mention has to go to Coco and the Lost, who’s song ‘One Last Thing’ is my absolute favourite song of this year .

 Check out Jenny Dean via here: https://www.instagram.com/itsjennydean/


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I'm Chloe and I'm the editor of Odd Girl Out. Odd Girl Out focuses on independent artists and creating a space for music to be heard. We want to be able to be the voice for upcoming artists and to share artists you have never heard of!
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