6 Questions with Scrannabis

Monday 16 October 2023


Last week we sat down with local artist Scrannbis to chat all things tours, Sam Fender, and plans for the future. 

  1. Hi! Thanks for the interview! Tell us a bit about yourself. 

What is there to tell? My name is Jack Speight, I’m a 23-year-old rapper singer, and producer from Yorkshire now living in the centre of Newcastle! I’ve been making music for the past 10 years but I have only been putting out music for the past 4 or so. My main genre is hip-hop with slashing in some indie and jazz influences! 

 2.What made you want to get into music?

 That's actually a great question! I got into music because growing up I spent a lot of time in my room alone I guess, I was always listening to the radio or playing guitar, and when was around 13 or so I got my first copy of Logic Pro and began messing around. At the time I was listening to the likes of Eminem and Snoop Dog and OG hiphop so that's naturally the genre I started to make. From there as my taste evolved to people like Dominic like and loyle career I’ve now began to make indie music! 

3. What are your plans for the rest of the year?                                                 

 I have a lot of plans for the rest of the year! I have a brand new weekly uk hiphop show I’ve started on spark fm that’ll be every Monday 9-11pm - as well as this I have a few shows and even uk tour supports happening, on the 12th of November I'll be supporting brick nasty on their uk tour, and then the 1st of December is another big one, but for that one you’ll just have to wait till the announcement.

4.What has been the highlight of your career so far?

Oh you know what I’m not too sure! I always thought when I started that I wouldn’t really get anywhere and now there are so many moments I could mention that made me think “wow look at what I’ve achieved!” I think a big one is either the MAD house tour a few years ago or my new EP leaves - I always wanted to dive into my vocal range more and this EP definitely allowed me to do so! And the reception has been crazy.

 5.Who are your inspirations music-wise?

Id like to think I take inspiration from a lot of places - mainly its very indie centred music at the moment with the likes of Dominic like, Rex Orange County and local Geordie sam the man fender. As a whole though people like Loyle Carner, baker and tom misch really really are at the heart of what I make.  

6.And, tell us...who is your favourite upcoming NE band/artist you hope others check out.

Again, so many I could mention - some to mention and check out would be, Patrick gosling (my guitarist but I promise I’m not biased) Frankie Jobling, and Citrus - oh and also India arkin. The NE is doing so well I honestly love to see everyone doing there thing! 

Check out Scrannbis here: https://www.instagram.com/scrannabis/

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About Me

I'm Chloe and I'm the editor of Odd Girl Out. Odd Girl Out focuses on independent artists and creating a space for music to be heard. We want to be able to be the voice for upcoming artists and to share artists you have never heard of!
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