7 Questions with L Devine

Monday 29 July 2024


In January I sat down with L Devine to chat about her journey into music and her first album as an independent artist, this is what she said...

1. Hi! Thanks so much for the interview! What made you want to be a musician

I think from being young I was just really obsessed with the feeling I’d get when I created something, and songwriting especially helped me process emotions and keep my head clear whilst also feeling like I was good and focused at something. 

2. What made you want to go back to being an independent musician since leaving your record label?

I naturally got to a place where I just wanted more control over my project, I wanted to get more out of it. I'd absorbed so much of the industry with the years I had with my previous label, so I felt more than equipped and empowered to do it on my own. 

3. How do you feel the music industry treats women compared to men especially as you have experience from been signed to a popular record label and to now going back indie?

I’ve definitely felt pressure to present myself in a certain way, to always look put together more so than my male counterparts. There’s a standard to which women are held to that men aren’t. I’ve felt like I have to work a lot harder and louder to be heard. A lot of my imposter syndrome stems from being a female in the music industry and working in studios and meeting rooms that are dominated by men, so having confidence and asserting myself is always a conscious effort on top of working hard at music. 

4. What gave you the push to now release your debut album Digital Heartifacts? (also LOVE THE NAME!!!) 

An album to me feels like the most definitive way to tell people who I am, and what kind of artist I am. I wrote this record with just my co-writer Julien, without any outside noise and opinions on it. Which meant it was the most unfiltered music I’d made in a really long time so it felt really right that this would be my debut album. 

5. What made you want to move back to Newcastle and also did you notice any difference between the music business in Newcastle and London?

I just wanted to be around my family again to be honest. There’s a realness and slowness about my hometown that I’d missed so much. And I think you can hear in these songs that I was surrounding myself with people who really knew me since I was a kid. I felt less self conscious around these people which I think influenced me in writing, I felt I could make whatever I wanted and be myself. 

6. What would your advice be to upcoming female musicians or females in general  from the North East that want to work in the music industry?

I think it’s a really special time to be from the north east, and there’s a really buzzing local scene to get stuck into. So go to as many gigs as you can, make friends and create stuff together. It feels like for the first time in a long time people are taking the north east music scene seriously, so make as much noise as you can! 

7. We love to end these questions off quite casual....so what's your favourite song at the moment?

Hmmm right now it’s either wish u heaven by prince or everytime by Britney Spears.

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About Me

I'm Chloe and I'm the editor of Odd Girl Out. Odd Girl Out focuses on independent artists and creating a space for music to be heard. We want to be able to be the voice for upcoming artists and to share artists you have never heard of!
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