8 Questions with The Rooks

Monday 24 June 2024


Meet The Rooks who are an up-and-coming indie band and sat down for a chat with Natalie Greener all about their music and plans for the future. 

1. Can you tell us about the inspiration behind your debut single, 'Lay Me Down' - What themes or experiences influenced the songwriting process?

The inspiration for the song came from tricky relationships both myself (Ross) and Matthew were going through with our partners. This song was probably some closure for it all, and releasing it solidified our steps into the next chapter of our lives- where the band is about to get a whole lot busier. 


2. What was it like working with Grammy Award-winning producer Jim Lowe on 'Lay Me Down'? How did his expertise shape the final outcome of the track?

Working with Jim on this track was a real eye opener to the band as to the level of professionalism these top producers have. We felt very relaxed and free to spin ideas off of  each other constantly, and we always trusted Jim’s instinct. Jim changed some of the structure on day 1 of the recording, which shortened the track and gave it more impact. He also added a lot of intricate sounds to the track, which we wouldn't have heard without him - Such as an Organ in the choruses, some descending guitar melodies, and layered percussion. Jim’s experience in the producer game really shone through, and I think you can hear that in Lay Me Down.

3. Your sound has been described as a blend of classic British rock with a contemporary edge; How do you navigate between honouring your influences and creating something new and unique?

Everything we do whether it be creating music, artwork, interviews, style is influenced by everyone's favourite bands. Regarding songwriting and sounds, we like to merge our influences into one, and I feel that's what makes our sound. For example, we would take influences from stereophonics' powerful, raspy vocals, whilst drawing inspo from a Springsteen track lyrically. Then take a drum beat from a Strokes song, a guitar solo from a Stones song. We don't deliberately do this, it just naturally comes from all being influenced from the same amazing bands. When all of these influences merge together with our own creativity and talent, it creates a powerhouse that is The Rooks.

4. The Rooks have quickly gained recognition in Glasgow's indie rock scene, selling out venues like King Tut's Wah Wah Hut. What has been the highlight of your journey so far as a band?

It’s great being able to play in front of growing crowds but the highlight so far is probably working in the studio with Jim. Taking on first-hand experience and putting it into place. Honourable mentions: a night out with Lewis Capaldi and a show at SWG3 Galvanizers, our biggest venue to date.

5. Your upcoming single launch party at Van Winkle's East End sounds exciting. What can fans expect from the event, and how do you hope it will impact your career moving forward?

I think people can expect a raw sound, but with a maturity of song. The live sound is something we’ve been working to capture and we feel we’re getting closer. 

6. As a band, you've drawn comparisons to acts like Stereophonics, Kings Of Leon, and The Strokes. How do you feel about being likened to such established artists, and how do you distinguish yourselves within the genre?

I feel we relate so much to these artists as they have an incredible attitude towards being successful and creating their best work at all times. We want to reach the level that these guys are on, so it's only right to follow their footsteps. We distinguish ourselves by 

7. What's next for The Rooks after the release of 'Lay Me Down'? Are there any upcoming projects or collaborations that you're excited about?

We have plans to release another 2 singles in 2024 to showcase our sound to the world before beginning larger projects for 2025 onwards. We’re excited to get back down to work with our producer Jim Lowe again. He’s like the band's old cool uncle that’s full of crazy stories.

8. Finally, what message do you hope listeners take away from 'Lay Me Down' and your music in general?

I hope everyone takes their own separate message away from the song, whether they treat it as their heartbreak song or their summer anthem. It ticks both boxes!

Written by Natalie Greener

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I'm Chloe and I'm the editor of Odd Girl Out. Odd Girl Out focuses on independent artists and creating a space for music to be heard. We want to be able to be the voice for upcoming artists and to share artists you have never heard of!
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