5 Questions with Nadedja

Monday 21 August 2023


photography: @saintsophie_

Last week I sat down with Nadedja who is an upcoming independent artist who is now living in the North East of England and recently had one of her singles played on Love Island, and this is what she said...

1. Hi! Thanks for the interview and congratulations on getting your song played on Love Island! Tell us a bit about yourself.
Hello, thanks for having me! Omg, being played on Love Island was defintley the highlight of my year so far, but we also had such a great evening at Bobiks! I'm really grateful for it. I'm Nadedja, an artist from Brazil, who's been fully adopted by the wonderful North-East of England. I'm a songwriter and indie-pop musician. I've been performing and releasing music in the UK since mid-2019 and absolutely love the life I have as a creative here. I'm also a dog mama, a photography enthusastic and a brand new yogi! 

2. What made you want to get into music?
I don't think I ever made a conscious decision to do music, it has always been a part of my life from a young age. I've always been naturally drawn to my parent's album collections and I've been writing since I was 12 years old. They were defintley not great songs as you can imagine, but the process of creating as a way to understand life has been here with me at all times. 

3. What has been the highlight of your career so far? 
Probably Love Island?! That was so crazy, I still can't believe it happened. But also headlining Sage Gateshead (From the Glasshouse Concerts) and supporting Mica Paris at the Fire Station in a sold-out show! What a day. 

4. Who are your inspirations music wise?
I'm a big fan of Maggie Rogers, she influences my music a lot, but also Rosalia, Taylor Swift, MUNA and a Brazallian artist called Ceu. These women mean the world to me, among many others. 

5. And tell us...who is your favourite upcoming NE musician/band?
I'll never miss a chance to talk about bigfatbig, they are energetic, mesmerising and incredible to watch live! But also, I've been listening a lot to Cosial recently, her songs have been great companions for these summer cloudy days, and I couldn't be more excited for the news eras of Imogen and Luke Royalty have started to hint at recently online - I'm a big fan of those! 

Written by Chloe Gudgin 

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About Me

I'm Chloe and I'm the editor of Odd Girl Out. Odd Girl Out focuses on independent artists and creating a space for music to be heard. We want to be able to be the voice for upcoming artists and to share artists you have never heard of!
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