5 Questions with Cinematics

Monday 7 August 2023


Last week I sat down with local band Cinemaics and asked them a questions about their career, what music inspired them and favourite artists to watch out for.

1. Hi Tell us a bit about who you are and your music? 

    Naeve, rhythm guitar player and lead singer/songwriter and Sam bass player from CINEMATICS. 1.      Sam: We class our music as atmospheric alt-rock as I'd say it's hard to put it down to one genre. Each aspect of our music takes influence from our favourite musicians in the modern alternative rock scene such as Murder Capital, Mysterines and Idles. We are from Chesterfield and have a collective passion for live music outside of the band, going to festivals such as Y Not and seeing gigs in and around Sheffield when given the opportunity.

2. What would you say inspires your music?

     Sam: I think the biggest inspiration is just other musicians and bands. We all have a huge passion for live music and and like a variety of different genres. Naeve writes the songs so can touch more on the inspiration behind the songs and lyrics themselves, but I think mainly we just all love to play music together and to a crowd. Playing gigs is the best part!

Naeve: I started playing guitar and writing songs because of ellie rowsell from wolf alice, they’re my favourite band and biggest inspiration. I think i take a lot of inspiration from female fronted grunge/rock/punk bands such as wolf alice, amyl and the sniffers, pretty sick, mannequin pussy to name a few. Lana del rey, although not in the rock genre has a big influence on me i think she’s an incredible songwriter. I write a lot about relationships and the people in my life, I think I also write a lot about trying to find myself and my experience with depression. 

3. What plans have you got for the rest of this year?

      Sam: We're currently recording an EP that we're hoping to release in September, which we will then hopefully be able to promote through plenty of gigs. We'd love to branch out to cities other than Sheffield and play to new crowds where we don't usually perform.

Naeve: Yeah i’m really excited about the EP. there’s gonna be a song on their called Who you are/Who you’re not which is incredibly personal to me, i wrote it back in january about someone who meant a lot to me and it makes me very emotional to play it live, i can’t wait to release it. 

4. What do you feel makes you stand out musically?

    Sam: I feel as though we have very divided music tastes individually which has influenced our sound, resulting in a distinctive musical personality. As no members share favorites, we take inspiration from our favourite musicians.

Naeve:  I think we incorporate a lot of different genres into our music, each song has a different vibe and we don’t like to restrict ourself to one specific sound

5. Who is an upcoming band/musician who you would recommend others to listen too?

    Sam: We recently played with an energetic band called Juno, from Sheffield, who were astounding musically and in their on-stage presence.

Naeve: There’s a band local to us in Sheffield called SPAFF who i first saw when they supported skating polly on tour. I think they’re great, very high energy and they’re brilliant live. Ive been to see them a couple of times now. 

Find the Cinemaics though here: https://www.instagram.com/cinematicsband/

Written by Chloe Gudgin

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I'm Chloe and I'm the editor of Odd Girl Out. Odd Girl Out focuses on independent artists and creating a space for music to be heard. We want to be able to be the voice for upcoming artists and to share artists you have never heard of!
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