6 Questions with Pretty Velvet

Wednesday 19 July 2023

 Pretty Velvet is an upcoming rock-indie band who are capturing the eyes of the music industry across the board so I sat down and asked them six questions about their music journey, new singles and zombies.

Photo Credit: @fox_photography

1. Hi! Tell us a bit about who you are. 
I'm Lee's. I'm the lead singer of Pretty Velvet. A hot upcoming rock-band known for our catchy riffs, blue edges and sublte dark-pop essence. Me and the boys (Tommy, Ewan, Aaron and Jake) aim to create music that sounds rather new and unique; something people haven't necessarily heard before. We released our debut single 'Gunmental Hearts' April 14th of this year which has been recognised by the likes of BBC  Introducing  and Spark Radio. We've grew our following in quite a short space of time through gigs around the north east which we've been able to get to know a bunch of other artists and make friends within the industry. So far it's been a hell of a ride, I'm really excited for what's to come with Pretty Velvet.

2. What is the inspiration behind your new single?
Our new single is yet to be announced on socials etc (we're planning to announce it the middle of this month) but we honestly can't wait to finally release it so people can listen to it! Generally our music takes inspiration from artists such as Tyler Bryant and The Shakedown, KALEO, Kelsy Karter and Led Zeppelin. When we were making this song, with it being so nautral and unintentional, it's probably the fastest songs we've ever written. Ewan, our guitarist, always says he wants to star in an advert for Desperadeos like Johnny Depp for Dior. When I first heard him say it I thought 'that could be a really catchy line for our chorus' and so 'Desperados El Dorado' was born. Another thing I take inspiration from in a sense, especially when writing lyrics, is the self wrote storyline that takes places throughout our 'Gunmental Hearts' era of material. I haven't yet told the full story, as not all the songs have been released,but I might at some point.

3. Tell us what made you want to get into music?
I've sang since I can remember. Me and my dad would always sing along to songs on our ipod and I'd make up dance moves for each lyric, which is probably my earliest memory of music. For me as a singer, and a woman, I've always highly looked up to artists such as Lady Gaga, Adele, Pink and I think I always will. They are the artists who made me not only want to sing but allowed me to grow as a singer as I was constantly singing their songs and unknowingly growing and developing my vocals. More so now, I idolise artists like Miley Cyrus and Kelsy Karter, not just in the sense of wanting to be as powerful and iconic as they are, as both singers and performers, but also the style. They have influenced my musical identity massively. 

4. What are your plans for the rest of the year?
Pretty Velvet has big plans for the rest of the year. Long term, we aim to release a couple more singles before releasing the EP that tells the story of Gunmental Hearts, which we're very much looking forward to. Short term, we have our biggest gig of yet as on the 29th July we're headlining Euphony Fest at the Peacock alongside a bunch of other local bands who we're very close to and can't wait to share the stage with! 

5. What made you come up with the name 'Desperado El Dorado'?
Desperado means outlaw. Our protagonist is an outlaw on the run, escaping to El Dorado, a fabled city of great riches and opportunity. 

6. Last question, which upcoming musician do you want others to listen to?
Daniel Maple! He's not only of the most talented people I've ever seen, he's become a really good friend of mine and the lads of Pretty Velvet.

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About Me

I'm Chloe and I'm the editor of Odd Girl Out. Odd Girl Out focuses on independent artists and creating a space for music to be heard. We want to be able to be the voice for upcoming artists and to share artists you have never heard of!
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