Four Questions With Symbol Soup

Saturday 10 June 2023


Photo Credit: @sirusf
Symbol Soup is reaching success to success from his highly anticipated album, to signing with Sad Club Records this artist is taking over the music industry, and here are his thoughts about that...

1. What made you get into music?
I don't really remember a time when it hasn't been the main thing I thought about, I've always just done it without questioning why. In the last couple of years though I've learned not to take it for granted that I have this outlet, and I'm basically very glad I started in the first place! 

2. Your new single is doing so well, what would you say made you write 'Airglow'? 
Thanks! Honestly, it's a very unconscious process - usually, when I start writing a song with a clear message in mind it ends up being quite bad. In the end, I'd say it's a song about being flooded with more information than you can deal with, and not knowing what to pay attention for. 

3. What plans have you got for this year? 
Album comes out in July! It's called Slow Puncture. After that, a mini tour in September with a lovely band from Rotterdam which I'm very excited for. 

4.And to end the question off, who are your favourite upcoming musicians? 
So many! But 4 of my favourites are the projects of people who play in the Soup live band - that's Free Lunch, Moon Balloon, Maripool, The Mighty Orchid King. 

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About Me

I'm Chloe and I'm the editor of Odd Girl Out. Odd Girl Out focuses on independent artists and creating a space for music to be heard. We want to be able to be the voice for upcoming artists and to share artists you have never heard of!
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