6 Questions with Michael Gallagher

Wednesday 15 May 2024

Meet Michael Gallagher who I sat down with over email a few weeks ago to discuss his plans for the rest of 2024 and what his new music sounds like. This is what he said...

1) Tell us a bit about yourself.

I’m Michael Gallagher, a singer songwriter proudly from Hartlepool. I like to write music based on personal experiences and challenges I’ve personally been involved with or witnessed and put that into a melody.

2)What made you want to get into music?
Growing up I’ve always been into music, my Mam and Dad always had something playing and you can’t help but drink it in! But I think the moment my passion really kicked in was when my Nana gave me box of Rolling Stones CDs when I was younger and then the rest was history. 

3) What are your plans for the rest of the year?
Lots of new music and lots of gigs. Few surprises along the way with both so stay tuned…

4) What has been the highlight of your career so far?
Tough to say, lucky so far to had a few really memorable moments with releases, support opportunities and my own headline shows. But if you are pushing me I would have to say the highlight was probably selling out the Town Hall in my home town of Hartlepool and playing in front of 500 people. Great feeling to have the love and support of those from your local community and it just inspires me to build on it even further and give them bigger & better nights to party in the future!

5) Who are your inspirations music-wise?
I have a wide range of inspirations musically, from older bands like the Beatles and the stones, oasis when growing up and then more current artists like the vaccines, the kooks and pigeon detectives as I got older and into music myself growing up. 

6) And, tell us...who is your favourite upcoming NE band/artist you hope others check out.

There’s so many great artists from the north east constantly raising the bar. At the minute I’ve been really enjoying L Devine, Shakk and The Pale White. Closer to home there is of course Plaza and Dawks to name a couple, there are so many doing great things at the moment.

Check out his new single Out of Time now! https://open.spotify.com/track/2gfqeCDvAP2h5R8Yp9OUTH

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I'm Chloe and I'm the editor of Odd Girl Out. Odd Girl Out focuses on independent artists and creating a space for music to be heard. We want to be able to be the voice for upcoming artists and to share artists you have never heard of!
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