6 Questions with Patrick Gosling

Friday 26 April 2024


photo credit: @patrickgoslingmusic

Patrick Gosling is an up-and- coming North East artist who has recently released single 'Am I on your mind?'. I spoke with him about his experience of being an independent artist and his plans for 2024...

1. Hi! Tell us a bit about yourself.
 My name is Patrick Gosling, I am a singer/songwriter from South Shields

2. What made you want to get into music?
 I got into music when my uncle showed me Led Zeppelin when I was around 7 or 8 and I became obsessed with guitars and music from there

3. What are your plans for the rest of 2024?
 I'm constantly recording and writing new stuff to where I've stock piled loads of tunes to bring out this year, Im nearly finished mixing what's going to be the next single then I think after that I'll aim to bring out a mini record or something. On top of that just playing a bunch of shows here, there and everywhere.

4. What has been the highlight of your career so far? 
I've had quite a few highlights so I might rattle off a few of my favourite ones. One of my career highlights so far has definitely been having my songs played over on American radio, it's really weird to comprehend that people across the pond and all over the world are listening to songs I've recorded in my home studio. It's a bit mad. As well playing shows with some of my favourite bands over the years like The Futureheads and Buzzard Buzzard Buzzard. I really enjoyed playing Waves festival last year as well, as I was pleasantly surprised that many people showed up for my set that early in the day.

5. Who are your inspirations music wise?
It almost feels like a running joke around  the people who know and work with me but my biggest influence is The Beatles. It sounds cliche to say but I don't care, I get so much inspiration from them and it feels like I'm learning something new about songwriting everytime I listen. I'm also really inspired by Mac DeMarco in terms of the way he works and handles himself, after discovering him as a teenager I've tried to keep that DIY ethos with my music; like being the sole person on 99% of my songs. The list could go on forever really. 

6. And tell us, who are your favourite North East musicians or bands? 
Local bands wise I've really been into Ice Road Trucker (Eddie Scott from Picnic), House Proud and Celadore. Thats me top tips. 

Check out Patrick Gosling's music here!https://open.spotify.com/artist/0dn48qgwC8i3dbOlNFbkwG

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About Me

I'm Chloe and I'm the editor of Odd Girl Out. Odd Girl Out focuses on independent artists and creating a space for music to be heard. We want to be able to be the voice for upcoming artists and to share artists you have never heard of!
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