5 Questions with Emma Dunlop

Friday 7 October 2022


Photo Credit: Ian Barclay Photography

This week we sat with musician Emma Dunlop who has been featured on BBC Music Introducing and self-released her own album 'Eleven - Eleven' in 2020. The Scottish artist continues to be on the rise and we cannot wait to see where the year takes her. 

Hi Emma! Tell us, how’s your 2022 been so far?
Fast! Too fast! Where does the time go? I had so many good intentions with regards to recording and going to the gym and being tidy and it hasn’t happened…yet. I’m convincing myself there’s still more time! 
2. What have you got in the works music-wise?
Lots and not enough all at once. I’ve written some new tracks and have a few (literally) in the mix that need finished and released. I’ve performed at a few open mic nights and I’m performing at a Night Owl Gigs Showcase in Edinburgh at the end of October which is really exciting. 
3. What was the best bit about recording your album on your own verus recording it in a studio?
The best bit was that I could work on it as and when suited me. I’m sure studio engineers would have loved me calling them with edits at 2am lol. It was also during the first lockdown in 2020 so it definitely gave me a sense of purpose and control when everything was so grim. I had life relatively easy during that time, but we all had our own struggles. The world seemed to be moving so fast yet life felt really static so it was great to have a project and connect to the world through live streams and social media etc. 
4. What would your advice be to upcoming musicians?
Just keep going. Keep creating. Jot down every idea you get. Make voice notes in train bathrooms (been there). Take every opportunity to perform in front of others, even if it’s just one person. Collaborate with other people. Doesn’t matter where any of that leads- you’re honing your craft and flexing your muscles. And I think, as boring as it sounds, sometimes setting aside time to “work” or setting a deadline really is what’s needed. That last one is for myself haha. 
5. So Emma, tell us what’s your goals and plans for the rest of 2022 and 2023? 


First goal is to finish off the couple of tracks I have half-recorded. I think for 2022 that’s doable.

Then get my new tracks done. I’ve got an idea for a cover I’ve been brewing over. Im Scottish and Scotland has so man amazing artists so I’d like to pay homage.  Wouldn’t it be great to just plug your brain into the tech and for music to pop out! If only. I’m also working up some ideas with a Scottish composer (on their own music) so that might lead to something, who knows. 

Check out Emma Dunlop: 


Emma Dunlop's spotify

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I'm Chloe and I'm the editor of Odd Girl Out. Odd Girl Out focuses on independent artists and creating a space for music to be heard. We want to be able to be the voice for upcoming artists and to share artists you have never heard of!
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